Toddler Girls Vs. Boys

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GENDER WORLD GENDER WORLD Abstract Because we all live in a gender ruled world, girls and boys, and women and men as a whole, must come together and erase the not so invisible line that separates us. Living in the 21st Century has changed all the rules and regulations we once lived by. Women can come out of the kitchen and actually have a career while men can be stay at home dads and raise the family. Boys can wear pink and purple without being judged while on the other hand girls have always worn blue with no issues. The double standard is still very much alive but it is changing at a rapid pace. GENDER WORLD GENDER WORLD: Toddler Girls V. Boys We all know that girls and boys are different in many ways. Starting off with the way we talk, walk, look, feel and think. Especially the way we think. Girls can say the sky is blue and boys will come right behind us and say it’s red just to spite us. But are the little people like toddlers and pre-k children really different from each other? Don’t they all just want to be loved and spoiled? In this essay I will try to define the similarities and differences between toddler boys and girls. There are so many different matters I can touch on as far as the comparison and contrasting go for boys and girls. For the sake of this being a good read essay, I will…show more content…
Between the ages of three and six a child’s ability to run, jump, throw and catch improves dramatically, no matter the gender. In my experience there truly are no differences between the boys and girls at a young age when it comes to motor skills. They both play exactly the same. It could also be that the children in my family are just way too rough, but toddlers don’t seem to be scared of anything when playing. Going up the slides backwards, jumping of jungle gyms, and running are all to fun for them to be
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