Today's Bachelor Degrees Are a Minimum

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“Today’s Bachelor Degrees are a minimum, like high school diplomas were 30 years ago.” The question is this statement true or false. In fact, a rising number of job searchers confronted with being excluded from occupations that supported a middle-class lifestyle by employers' increasing demand for a bachelor's degree. Many employers now require a Bachelor’s in Arts or Science because their jobs are becoming more complex, more technology-driven and more analytical. “Credential inflation is affecting a wide range of jobs from executive assistants to construction supervisors and has serious implications both for workers not seeking a college degree and for employers struggling to fill jobs (Sigelman, 2014).” Another important reason for employers seeking bachelor’s degree is a college experience provides “soft-skills” such as writing, analytical thinking and even maturity. In modern day, employers are seeking college graduates because they are more career-oriented and committed. College graduates are seeking a real commitment to their futures. Numerous employers now require a Bachelor’s degree because their jobs are becoming more involved, more technology-driven and more analytical. One inference of this tendency is that several middle-skill career paths are becoming closed off to those without a bachelor’s degree. Several of that wage salaries are changing the nature of American jobs, the skills required, and the social networks attained in college. “According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, college enrollment has become more expected of high school students, as of October 2011, 68.3 percent of 2011 high school graduates were enrolled in college, the shrinking group of students forgoing college may have other characteristics that are associated with lower wages ( ” For instance, IT help desk positions are the first on the career ladder to better jobs,
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