The Importance of College Education

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Name : Shanu Priya D/O Chandran ID No : 00013669 Date : 1/8/2014 The Importance of College Education A college education result in various types of benefits for a student who pursues it and also enhances the quality of their life. Nowadays, students begin questioning the importance of a college education from their high school as well. Therefore, McGuire (2011) had explained that attending college provides opportunities for graduates which are not as widespread to those who have not received a higher education. Moreover, students need to understand that attending a college provides a lot of advantages that others might find lacking later on in life. As today, the economy growth in the world is becoming more competitive so a college education is extremely important. In addition, by adopting the importance of college education, there seem to have many opportunities in working life, better social interaction among new friends and ways to lead an independent life for a college student. First, a college education provides a lot of opportunities for a student in their working life, especially for higher paid jobs in their future. David D M (2009) asserts that according to the U.S. Department of Labour, 90 percent of the fastest-growing jobs of the future will require some post-secondary education (Degree) or training. Furthermore, students will get the chances to get a higher paid job in a company if they pursue their studies in a college till a Degree programme is achieved. A career which is an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life is the most important thing to determine a good future, so a student needs a career over a good job and it can lead them to a perfect life later on. Besides that, they may also get a chance to gain a better income to lead a better life. Second, students can also build a strong social interaction among
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