The Benefits Of Community College

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There are numerous community colleges across the nation, and several undergraduates attend community colleges every year. With an enormous amount of undergraduates attending community colleges, society as a whole should want the colleges to be in the best conditions to educate our future members of society. However, most community colleges are failing to provide the best conditions possible for their students. Community colleges are failing to properly educate their students, and because education is a valuable aspect of the American society, community colleges should be refined to produce knowledgeable citizens of the United States of America. Community colleges require some students to take remedial classes due to low standardized test…show more content…
Juggling school and finding a source of income is a prominent issue amongst undergraduates, and it is one of the main reasons that excessive amounts of undergraduates are dropping out of community college. Of course, anything adding to the dropout rate is a serious issue and should be solved appropriately and quickly. Politicians and other important leaders in the United States of America are implementing laws and bills that will benefit undergraduates who are striving to pay for their education. Tugend writes, “Bills are pending in congressional committees to carry out President Obama’s America’s College Promise proposal to make community colleges free to responsible high school graduates.” These bills will drastically help college students who cannot afford to pay for their education. I believe rewarding optimal behavior of undergraduates will not only assist them in paying for college, but I also believe it will make them want to continue to perform well. Despite the prominent problems of payment and remedial classes, these are not the only problems that community colleges…show more content…
Some students enter community college with little knowledge of the courses, and for this reason, the students enroll in classes that may be unnecessary. As a result, financial aid could be wasted on classes that are not pertaining to the undergraduate’s major. A community college professor spoke of what it is like for students to have little guidance and ways to correct the problems they face. Tugend notes, “‘It is a very complicated environment for students, and they received less advice than at any selective college,’ Professor Bailey said. A school like Columbia can have one adviser for one hundred students, he said, while ‘at most community colleges, the ratio is more like one for every thousand students.’” Implementing more guidance counselors would improve the college experience for numerous undergraduates, and community colleges that have additional guidance counselors allow their counselors to allocate more time to each student. As an undergraduate, it may be difficult to select the proper classes, so professional assistance will relieve undergraduates of the various tasks they must
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