Three Domains Essay

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Identify the three domains of development, The three domains of development involve the physical, cognitive, and socioemotional. Describe why it is important to consider each domain in the study of adult development, Physical developments are changes which occur in our body. For example, for some we either gain weight or become extremely thin, with height we shrink due to our bone density, the skin loses its pigmentation and we become pale, and our hair changes in color. Cognitive developments are changes which occur over time. That forgetful stage becomes most prominent as we mature. Not remember where I left my cup of coffee could be very frustrating, or walking to get something and not remember my purpose for walking to that particular place could also be frustrating. Provide an example of how one domain of development impacts the other two. An example of how one domain of development impacts the other two would be when I am tired that I cannot turn on the computer, turn off my cell phone, and don’t answer the door bell. I experienced this the other day when I had an In-Service with 250 people who were all educators and administrators at my school. During the first half of the meeting the school suffered major plumbing problems. All the teachers came together and were proactive to resolve the problem. Everything was resolved; however I came home extremely exhausted which affected my mental health. My body was saying nap, however if I did nap then I would not fall asleep until much later than usual, this too would affect me physical and emotional. It was a battle and my emotional overpowered the physical and I ended up taking a

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