Thomas Jefferson's North American Colonies

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The idea of increasing the United State's territory had first derived in 1802 when Spain forbade America to access to the port of New Orleans, granting Thomas Jefferson with immediate panic. After assimilating information about the French-Spanish secret agreement over Louisiana, Jefferson became intimidated with fear over American accessibility of accessing the Mississippi River for commerce. Because of Spain's control over the port of New Orleans and banning of U.S. access, American commerce was disturbed throughout the country. Jefferson advocated Robert Livingston, the American Ambassador to France, to negotiate with France over the purchase of the port of New Orleans and the surrounding area for a cost of two to ten million dollars. Fearing loss of a future war with Great Britain and after failing to reconquer it's former colony, Haiti, France sought to sell the land known as Louisiana Territory that had been acquired from Spain in 1800. France secretly attained the area of Louisiana from Spain in 1800 with hopes to use the lands for farming of food, "to act as a counterpoise to the British in Canada, and to check any American expansion that might threaten Spain's North American Colonies" (Out Of Many). Initially, Napoleon had no interest in selling this massive amount of land because he believed it would…show more content…
Jefferson's instructions “to find the source of the Missouri to cross the mountain barriers, to reach the Pacific Ocean. Waterfalls, rapids and islands were to be located; weather, animal life, minerals were to be noted, as well as the kinds of furs” were taken into account by Lewis and Clarke as they set out on an expedition of discovery. Jefferson proved through that the Louisiana Purchase was nothing but a benefit for the United States and would most definitely be worth oppose against the
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