What Happened To Bismarck's Interest In Indochina?

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Approximately ten years after World War II, America took the lead in rehabilitating Europe, restoring, Japan, and facing down Communist expansion (Greece, Turkey, Berlin, and Korea). This was not the case in Indochina (area of South East Asia), because the American relationship was beginning to fray. Americans began to questions their values and why they were being applied in Vietnam. This led to a gap in the American’s beliefs of their national experience and the geopolitics of containing communism. America took actions that did not coincide with its original intent. There is a contrasting feature about Bismarck’s intentions and that of America. Although Bismarck realized that Austria and Russia were fighting over the Balkans, he continued…show more content…
There would no longer be a stable balance of Southeast Asia. Therefore, Dean Rusk stated that it would not be wise to neglect their interests in Indochina. NSC document 68 it was concluded that global equilibrium was at stake in Indochina (North Vietnam) and those communist gains took place by areas controlled by Kremlin. Truman decided to handle the situation the opposite of Realpolitik and sent more troops to France to assist them in their communist war in Indochina (Vietminh) and the Seventh Fleet was moved to protect Taiwan. In order for the world to be free, the Truman Administration suggested that Indochina no longer be communist. America getting involved into Indochina ran into its tradition of anticolonialism however, it ignored this somewhat to support France. After the French army won, America then wanted Indochina’s independence. America came up with “Operation Eggshell” in which France was urged to give Indochina independence while continuing the anticommunist war. By 1952, the National Security Council formalized the Domino Theory by describing a military attack on Indochina as being dangerous. There was no remedy for the disaster in
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