What Was the Short Term Significance of the Iron Curtain Speech

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What was the short term significance of the Iron Curtain speech? The iron curtain speech, made by former Great British Prime Minister Winston Churchill on the 5th March 1946, was met with both hostility and support. However it's short term impact is limited because both the USSR and the USA, the two main powers in the world at the time, already had very strong beliefs and views that would arguably require a more hard hitting event to change, after all Churchill was no longer Prime Minister so his political views carried less weight. It could be argued that the speech had more of an effect on America, who had a strong alliance with Great Britain after World War 2, and the American president, Truman, who was witness to the speech. The main effect was to crystallise Truman's desire to take a very hard line, anti-communism approach to the Soviet Union and for Stalin it symbolised an increase in opposition to the USSR. The speech effectively signalled the end of the alliance between America and the Soviet Union and described the establishment of a Soviet sphere of influence. The impact of this was initially negative because during WW2 American propaganda showed the Soviet Union as a faithful ally working alongside America to defeat the Nazi regime so the speech was met with hostility from American citizens. Writing in the book The Cold War, John Gaddis comments that “most Americans had had enough of war and were not in the mood to maintain their armed forces”. This shows a reluctance to fight another war – a reluctance that would have undoubtedly been heightened by Churchill’s speech which looked to provoke hostilities. The US secretary of Commerce, Henry Wallace, was appalled by Churchill’s speech and subsequently claimed that Russia was a “force that cannot be handled successfully by a ‘get tough with Russia’ policy” because he advocated the need for peace and
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