'the Views Of J.M. Keynes Were The Most Important

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1) ‘ The views of J.M. Keynes were the most important factor in explaining Britain’s treatment of Germany in the years following the Treaty of Versailles until 1929.’ Explain why you agree or disagree with this view. (24 marks) John Maynard Keynes, an economist and financial representative for the Treasury during the Treaty of Versailles of 1929, held bold and influential views about the treatment of Germany. The question is, how powerful were these views in affecting the actions and policies of the British government towards Germany in the years which followed? When Keynes rejected the scale of reparations placed on Germany and resigned from his post at the Treasury, he lead the way for what many leading politicians were to understand later on. Keynes supported the approach of Lloyd George that for economic and political reasons, Europe needed a successful Germany, which would be seriously difficult to achieve whilst the excessive reparations were placed on them. Furthermore, his book The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919), was successful in influencing the view of Britain that a weak Germany would only make the recovery of Europe after the war, a lot more difficult. On the other hand, from taking this view, politicians were criticised for being 'too lenient' towards Germany. Even Lloyd George, who took a much tougher political approach towards the reparations, received criticism. Also, at the beginning of the period, Keynes was unsuccessful and his view of the Treaty of Versailles had very little influence at all. However, there was an acceptance during the 1920s that the Weimar Republic, a new democratic Germany, had emerged. There was perhaps, a realisation that the permanent peace of Europe should be based on mutually accepted agreements. In addition, the British governments under Prime Ministers such as Lloyd George, Bonar Law, Baldwin and
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