Theories of Ageing

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Theories of Ageing Disengagement Theory Disengagement: - A theory that older people will need to withdraw from social contact with others. Older people will disengage because of reduced physical health and loss of social opportunities. The disengagement theory was established in 1961 by William Henry and Elaine Cumming. It follows the idea that people naturally tend to withdraw from social involvement with others as they got older. It can be said that younger people often don’t include older people which can lead to further disengagement. Older people that have restricted opportunities to interact with each other also suffer from a variety of health issues. This means that they are unable to socialise even more because they are physically frail and weak and therefore, struggle to leave the house to see others and socialise with them becoming increasingly ‘individual’ and less concerned with the expectations of others. Cumming argued that it was appropriate and healthy for older people to withdraw from others and disengagement was a natural part of ageing. A lot of various different issues occur when elderly people start to disengage with the people that are around them. Their social life is limited as they never take part in outgoing activities because they are elderly and may struggle. This would cause them to constantly put themselves down and feel as if they were no longer good enough to join in and become part of a group of people. Health can continue to deteriorate because elderly people become less physically able as they cut themselves off from other people in society. This may cause people to feel lonely and depressed as they are constantly on their own, or find themselves socialising with the same people all of the time, unable to take things into their own hands and go out to meet new people. A lot of elderly people do not see relatives regularly

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