Why I Love Photography Essay

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Allow me to indulge in expressing my love for something that started way before I can remember. I love photography because I can admire the pure beauty of each individual and the nature one has. What drives me to press the shutter button is being able to show people the world through my eyes instead of their own.
Photography is a way of showing my own method of being creative. I love to experiment with various ways to take a photo. When given the opportunity to be creative, I see there is no limit to how photographs can be taken. It could be that I enjoy capturing that perfect moment, so that I can look back and reminisce about the stories that particular image tells. When finding that perfect opportunity, you can forever hold and see that special moment.
Photography provides a constant challenge. No matter how good you get at it, you’re still under the burden of your subjects. Drawing is an art form which is unique to this medium, in my opinion. A painting can be whatever one wishes it to be, but a photo must be one’s own take on the world as it truly is. You can
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Taking photos in black and white is something that I am new at, but very fond of. Black and white is a very difficult area of photography to do. To be successful in taking images in black and white, you need a lot of practice. The reasoning for this is because you have to take your original image in color. You have to do this because then you know what objects in the picture will stand out more than others. Someone with dark brown hair is going to stand out more in a photo than a person who has blonde hair. Contrast is important in every picture but in black and white it is even more important. Contrary to what most would believe, in a black and white photo you need to use a low contrast setting because the two shades draw such a distinct line between one another. A dark over cast day is the perfect time to take these types of

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