The Purpose of Education

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Roger Berkowitz’s article “Martin Luther King and The Purpose of Education” begins by explaining how universities can get into trouble and would lower their reputation if they are an organization of distributing knowledge. In 2012, information is widely distributed through the internet. In the year 1947, Martin Luther King Jr. composed a short thesis, regarding the purpose of education. It debated that we must not complicate teaching with information distributed. Berkowitz quotes King who states “most college men have a misconception of the purpose of education. Most of the "brethren" think that education should equip them with the proper instruments of exploitation so that they can forever trample over the masses. Still others think that education should furnish them with noble ends rather than means to an end.” Education is not just a tool individual learns to succeed in life. Education is a process where one learns to reason for their own, from experiences others have, to solve problems. This is what King seeks to explain to the reader in his essay. King believes that both education and knowledge are important; however the procedure is integrated it into their lives makes a difference. Education must teach students the means of right and wrong as well as be able to distinguish between propaganda and reality. King warns us an individual with critical thinking and knowledge is not enough. Without morals and personality, the individual won’t have a purpose in life. Character gives purpose to concentrate on their specific developments of life. If colleges understand that education is not just a way of distributing information, and more focused on teaching the person the drive of education, therefore the college would be priceless as it would teach students life learned lessons and experiences to solve daily problems. This will allow students to develop their

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