Role And Purpose Of Education

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Sociology Factsheet Role and Purpose of Education; 1) What are the main roles of the Education System? * The economic role- Teaching skills for work. * The selective role- Choosing the most able people for the most important jobs. * The socialisation role- Teaching norms and values. * Social Control- Teaching acceptance of rules and values. * The political role- Teaching people to be effective citizens. 2) How would functionalists explain the purpose of education? Functionalist such as Parson believes that the purpose of education is to perform a beneficial role in the society. One way to perform a beneficial role in the society is to learn the skills and knowledge from school that is necessary to work in a modern, technical, industrial society e.g. literacy, maths, science and computer technology. 3) Choose one role of education and describe how functionalists would explain this role of education? Functionalist believes that education is essential in order to learn about the political role and the society. They believe that the political system is democratic therefore education is needed to prepare people for citizenship. They believe that through this people have a better understanding of the political system therefore they are more able to exercise their voting rights wisely at election time. 4) How would Marxist explain the purpose of education? Marxists believes that the purpose of education seems to have a beneficial role only for certain groups. The reason why they believe this is because the look at the society in terms of 2 groups (powerful and less powerful groups). They argue that the powerful groups (rich people) in society use the education system enforce their own beliefs and values on the rest of society. 5) Choose one role of education and describe how Marxist would explain this role of education?
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