The Pros And Cons Of The Information Age

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We are currently living in the Information Age—a time of momentous technological advancement. Computers, cell phones, the internet are all inventions spawned during this time period that have made the communication of information much quicker and more efficient. The Information Age began in the 1950s in America with the invention of the transistor. A transistor is a device used to amplify and switch electronic signals. In basic terms, a transistor uses a small amount of electricity to control a larger amount of electricity—kind of like turning a faucet to control a water supply. What was created was an on/ off/ control switch for electricity so that a device can perform at an optimal voltage for its unique functioning. John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley were the scientists responsible for creating this technology, replacing the original “vacuum tube technology,” which were expensive, consumed a lot of power, gave off too much heat, and were unreliable— yet were used because no alternative had been thought of prior to 1947. Most modern day inventions have been built off of this first huge, break-through invention and in turn have revolutionized the way we live. Comparing the current age to that of the past, even a mere sixty years…show more content…
Improvements and advancements in the modern day increases productivity and reduces cost of manufacturing. Many improvements have had positive impacts not only on the economy but also on the environment because of reduced waste and more conscious decisions based on systematic research. Education has also been revolutionized, with innovations such as the internet, providing easy, more compact access to research and information. Communication has been made easier and quicker, especially long distance communication, with the use of e-mail, computer networks and mobile
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