“the Human Race Is Not in Position to Play God.” Examine and Comment on This Claim with Reference to the Topic You Have Investigated.

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Allocation of health care resources is a continuing ethical concern. Due to scarce financial resources and healthcare rationing doctors have to priorities because no health system can afford to pay for every service it wishes to provide. This is where doctors may be seen to be ‘playing God’ as they will have to choose which patient will get a certain treatment over another. For thousands of years, scientist and healers have struggled with the effects of diseases and injury on people’s bodies and minds. Huge achievements in science and technology and socioeconomic development have led to better health status in most parts of the world. Mortalities were reduced and life expectancy increased. Despite all these improvements, modern technology has had some negative side effects. The improvement of medical interventions has undermined the human dimension of the relationship between healers and patients. Patients were increasingly treated as case numbers. Little concern is paid to health promotion and protection which leads to better quality of life. Such failures have increased awareness about the need for a revival or fundamental values in health through development of biomedical ethics. Biomedical ethics “ought’s” and “should” need to be convincing. They must be logically consistent, rely upon accurate facts and data and can be capable of universal and impartial application. Though people and culture differ, certain values are common to all. The most important is human dignity. Human dignity is the inherent worth or value of a human person from which no one or nothing may detract. As in earlier and subsequent systems of philosophy, stoicism considered human reason to be “essentially a spark of the divine, thus making it the distinctive element associated with the dignity of being human.” In the system of thought which are essentially nontheistic human reason alone

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