Advanced Directives Research Paper

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Advanced Directives and Do Not Resuscitate Kimberly Stanton HCA 322 Professor: Delores Thomas December 11, 2011 In health care, end of life decisions and advanced directives can be one of the most difficult processes and decisions that a patient and family may face. Each person through their life experiences and knowledge has to face difficult thought provoking decisions on what to do when it is possible that death may be eminent. Advances in medicine and technology have giving physicians the ability to prolong and sustain life more so than ever. Modern medicine allows for sustaining life when the physical body has shut down the mechanisms to keep humans alive. The advances we have made in medicine and technology have now made it possible…show more content…
In addition to identifying and following advanced directives, practitioners are also faced with the legal and ethical implications in end of life treatment and care. Palliative care and comfort care measures are another area that significantly impacts the health care provider also today. As we have made so many advances in medical care, we must also look at the quality of life that remains when we have prolonged someone’s life. As terminal conditions continue to progress, health care providers continue to have an ethical and legal obligation to promote the best possible care for the patient. Sometimes this means not aggressively treating a terminal illness and allowing the patient to choose to die with dignity and as comfortable as possible. With end of life care, providers may be faced with honoring decisions by the patient to end suffering and hasten the inevitable. The provider has a legal and moral obligation to honor the patient’s right to autonomy. Yet providers sometimes encounter conflict between meeting the needs and rights of the patient, and maintaining an ethical and legal practice. When the right to autonomy…show more content…
The ethical and legal aspects of providing care quality care, maintain the patients right to autonomy and promoting the best possible treatment and outcome are battles that health care providers face on a daily basis. Allmark, P., & Tod, A.. (2009). End of life care pathways: ethical and legal principles. Nursing Standard, 24(14), 35-9. Retrieved December 4, 2011, from Career and Technical Education. (Document ID: 1928294711). Beech, Maureen. (2007). Confidentiality in health care: conflicting legal and ethical issues. Nursing Standard, 21(21), 42-6. Retrieved December 4, 2011, from Career and Technical Education. (Document ID: 1218924331). Pozgar, G. D., & Santucci, N. (2010). Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals (2nd Edition). Sudbury, Maine : Jones and Bartlett Publishers. ISBN: 9780763764739 Toiviainen. Leila. (2007). "The Globalisation of Nursing: Ethical, Legal and Political Issues" University of Surrey 10-11 July 2006: A summary of the deliberations of the concurrent working groups. Nursing Ethics, 14(2), 258-63. Retrieved December 4, 2011, from Research Library. (Document ID:

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