The Flaming Ball That Warms the Heart

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The Flaming Ball That Warms the Heart “Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.” - Russell Baker I’m sleeping on my soft bed, and I’m just wishing for the sun to shine on my face. Then all of a sudden, I feel a splash of sunlight. It’s the day I’ve been waiting for, and I cannot wait to jump out of bed. It is summer! Summer is the best time of the year. It is a great beginning to the start of a relaxing vacation. Summer is the season that can bring memories and place a little treasure chest in your heart but sometimes those memories come to an end as you grow up. For the most part, I did not know that this summer would mark the end of my childhood. It’s the start of June and we all know what this means. The beach! The beach is the one time you can get together with people that you love and have fun like building sandcastles or diving straight in to the salty water with a hard splash. Ouch! After having so much fun, you become exhausted and hungry. So what puts the “icing to the cake” is the food. Just picturing the chili-covered hotdog in your mouth can do wonders. By the end of June, when I still feel the sun’s rays are still tanning my skin, I know that I still have a tremendous amount of fun left to enjoy. Whether its wind surfing, tanning your skin, going to amusement parks, or walking outside of your house just to get to the ice-cream truck, it is still awesome during summer. During this time, I tend to stay at home since my mom works, but I’m not really bothered by it because it’s the time I get to spend time with my best buddies. Most of the time, we tend to play at the park. When we arrive, we see playgrounds for the kids or the skate boarding park for the skaters. Since we tend to act like little kids, we head straight to the

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