The Chicago White Sox and the Chicago Cubs

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The Chicago White Sox and the Chicago Cubs have had their ups and downs throughout the years. If you are ever in the city of Chicago there is always the argument about who is the better team. The Chicago White Sox have had the recent success of winning a championship in 2005. The Cubs are still under the curse the locals say was caused by a billy goat and haven’t won a championship since 1908. With the recent success and the ending of drought of 88 years, the Chicago White Sox have the edge on being the better team in Chicago. The White Sox were a strong team during their first two decades, winning two championships in 1906 and 1917. In 1906 the team was nicknamed “The Hitless Wonders” because of their poor batting average as team. They redeemed themselves with their pitching to go on and win their first championship again the Chicago Cubs. The series against the Cubs would be the first intra-city World Series Championship. The Cubs would have most of the attention because they seemed to be the better team with the better record but, the White Sox ended up winning the series 4 games to 2. In 1917 the White Sox would once again have powerful pitching that would help them win a franchise record 100 games. The White Sox would play the New York Giants in the World Series Championship and win the second and last of the 20th century 4 games to 2. This series was played during World War 1, and prior to the first game at Comiskey Park the White Sox played the Star Spangled Banner to honor the troops. This would be the first time the Star Spangled Banner was played prior to a game and would become a common practice till this day. In 2005 the White Sox were a different team from what they have been in the past. They had powerful pitching and had the hitters to go with it. Then went in the playoffs as the underdogs but proved to be none the less. They

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