The Benefit of Being Productive

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Dear …. There are certain times in life when you have to face reality and understand that it is time to improve yourself. It is time to become a better person. Today, I am writing you a letter of encouragement, hoping to help you overcome what some may see as laziness. The days that we accomplish what we want to get done are the days that we move closer to where we want to be. Being productive does not only mean being busy, but being active and happy because you know that the line of success is nearer each time you do the hard work. As an ordinary college girl, I prefer to be productive because of the tremendous benefits. A busy lifestyle provides an opportunity to learn new skills, avoid self-indulgent over-thinking, accomplish more tasks, and most importantly, improve your health. I think you should give this a try. One benefit of being productive is the opportunity to learn new skills. Learning new skills lead to a wide range of enjoyable experiences. Achieving as many skills as you can in your lifetime is a success that only you can achieve. When I get to college I acquired the skill of keeping my space clean and organized. A skill like this is valuable now and in the future. It is your choice to be either a well-rounded person who is richer in experience or a shallow minded person who lives a boring life. According to Joseph Mahoney, a psychologist at Yale University, the more time kids spent in organized activities the better their grades, the higher their self-esteem, and the richer their relationship with their parents. Additionally, learning new skills enables you to become better in other areas of your life. So instead of going on Facebook in your time between classes, read a book, do your homework, hang out with friends where you do real socializing. For example, I like to go to Nykerk to practice piano. This relaxes me.

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