The Beneficial Invention: Driverless Vehicles

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The Beneficial Invention: Driverless Vehicles Introduction Driverless vehicles will provide many benefits for a large number of the world’s population. Driverless vehicles are automobiles that do not have any human input for operation. They are controlled by computers via Global Positioning System (GPS). People will reach their destination after inputting where they want to go. No other inputs for speed or direction are needed. The problems related with automobiles are not the machines but the people who operate them. Many drivers do not have a solid attention span nor do they have the capabilities that can support being distracted while driving. Computers never get tired, drunk, angry with fits of road rage, nor do they make poor judgment decision once programed with proven logic. Distracted driving is the primary cause of collisions, high insurance rates, serious injuries and even deaths while driving. With the invention of driverless vehicles, the world’s roadways will be safer for all. They will lower or even eliminate the need for auto insurance and greatly reduce the need for petroleum based products. Modern technology and humans operating a vehicle are not compatible. Primarily, utilizing a cellular phone while driving has been the root cause of many vehicular injuries and deaths. A large number of drivers have not received proper driver training in the first place. They tend to drive too fast for conditions, follow other cars too closely and generally make poor lane change decisions. With the added distraction of cellular texts, it is a recipe that has proven to be cause of many accidents and fatalities in many cases. By removing human input for vehicle operation, folks can talk and text all they want. In addition, in car entertainment systems can also be very distracting. Cars today have screen that display graphics for weather

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