Television Impacts the World

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Television, and it's historical and current impact on the economy, have changed for almost a century. Not only has television made an influence past and present but also has affected the environment, relationships, education, and morals. The first television was invented by a German student Paul Gottlieb Nipkow in 1884. Broadcast television began late 1930’s in the United States, parts of Europe and Asia. After 1930’s for nearly a half century, there were improvements to its original design and the development of electronic and color television. From 1930 thru the 50’s, the television was an expensive luxury item to have in the American household and if they did they only had one. Early televisions had a small screen, were black and white and had turn knobs to change channels (Rydin, 2008). Electronic and color televisions today range in price and can be very expensive depending on the quality and features it has. Today there is also cable and dish networks providing several channels and enormous, expensive televisions that are owned by few. Television for over a century has been a form of communication worldwide. Other forms of communication included the radio and telephone. Getting the word out to millions of people globally through broadcasting is indeed awesome! Different avenues of communication have changed throughout the years enabling people from different backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities to share their ideas and cultures through television. There are many positive and negative views on the impact of communication and television over the years. Alfred Hitchcock once said, “Television has done much for psychiatry by spreading information about it, as well as contributing the need for it (Fidurko, 2007).” During 1970’s the idea of television was introduced for encouraging education and social behavior.
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