Technology Makes Us More Lonely Essay

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Technology Makes Us More Lonely “High school is nothing like it used to be”, said the adults who went undercover for a whole semester at Highland Park High School in Topeka, Kansas. Even after only five years out of high school, the undercover students realized that technology has a great impact on the daily lives of students. The adults observed that the students are always on their phones or computers, isolated from the class discussion. They also realized that the technological advantages have turned bullying into a 24/7 activity, making people want to be alone. The undercover students explained how when they were in high school the communication was incredibly different, bullying was not a 24/7 activity, and people participated in more…show more content…
This type of communication is important for anyone in order to make friends or have strong relationships. The use of technology decreases the amount of face to face communication among people, causing relationships to fail and people to end up more lonely. There is even a new term sociologists use today to describe people who would rather live in a world without human interaction whatsoever. The new idea is called cocooning and there are many examples of people who practice this and live in physical isolation. Technology has made cocooning extremely easy because of the fact that many things we do in our daily lives can be done through our phones (Rouse). Technology is taking away from important skills people need to…show more content…
We get too attached to our status’ on social media accounts and become so dependent on what's going on in other people's lives. Studies show that we as humans have something called “FEMO” or a “fear of missing out” (Craig 4). Some people think that if they don’t check Instagram or Twitter every ten minutes they are missing out on what's going on. Unfortunately, we start comparing ourselves to others and the lives they are living, thinking they are more interesting than our own. Instead of wasting time wishing our circumstances were different, we should put our phones down and focus on benefitting ourselves and

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