Technology in Leisure

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As we take a look at the transformation of technology and how it has affected our world, and the activities that we now partake in, it is evident to see that there has been a big impact on our leisure time. Our lives have been changed in a way where we can use the modern day technology to our advantage, so that we are able to maximize the amount of time we spend on leisurely activities. Technology has given many individuals the privilege to travel and enjoy their vacations, while still being connected to their work. Communicating with family and friends has now been made more efficient by means of social networking, cell phones, e-mails and the Internet as a whole. GPS systems and advances of highways have made it easy to transport to places of different surroundings where leisure activities are highly recognized. New technologies have given us the opportunity to research and conduct studies that is beneficial to our health and allows us to enhance our leisure time. Our world is continuously changing with new ideas that allow us not only more leisure time, but also enhances our time spent on these activities. Advanced technology has given individuals the freedom to not be tied down to a physical place. Laptop computers, Cell-phones and being able to connect to the Internet anywhere in the world have allowed us to virtually connect to work. Business owners and employees may consider their laptops a cyber office, where they can work from anywhere where there is communication. Vacationing now a day does not come along with all the added stresses from work. As citizens in the work force travel and take vacations, they maintain access to their company through modern technology. With these advances, returning to work seems a lot less hectic, as ones absence from the office has only been felt physically. According to WorkRights the average Canadian worker is entitled
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