Technology And The Impact On History

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Technology’s Impact on History ABSTRACT Certain events in time define a period or mark a significant improvement in the advancement of mankind through the use of technology. Our creative ability combined with tool making has enabled us to evolve from primitive cave dwellers to building skyscrapers and manipulating the computer. Our technological advances have helped shape this world and our place in it. From the beginning primitive man was able to understand his surroundings and learn what he needed to do in order to make life easier and better. It is this cognitive ability that has enabled man to progress and utilize items at his disposal to create useful tools which help him perform things better than he was able to do previously. One of these items that man probably learned from a natural event was fire. With Fire he was able to conquer a host of challenges with one single concept mastered. Fire kept humans warm when the temperatures dropped and being kept warm also made it easier to survive in cooler climates. Food was able to be cooked and fire also kept the animals and bugs at bay during the night. If there was arguably one breakthrough that catapulted mankind on a technological journey to where we are today, fire is probably the single most important discovery. The use of fire allowed mankind to survive better and down the road he was able to use it to change the properties of other items which also had an impact on history. The next major innovation I would like to highlight that also has a place mark on the timeline of man and has had many long term benefits on history is the wheel. The wheel is often considered as the most important mechanical invention of all time. 1.)”The wheel is the oldest and most important invention in the history of the human race” History changed dramatically when the wheel was introduced. People had already domesticated

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