Has Technology Really Affected Us?

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Brittany Hall Emily Scalzo English 104 Section: 36 Rough Draft Due: September 3, 2014 Has Technology really affected us? Ever since humans came into existence approximately four million years ago, we have sought to improve our lives through the practical application of knowledge; technology. When discussing how technology affects us we think of our computer, IPod, or other everyday items, and how different life would be without them. The effects of technology in society though are actually much deeper and have forever changed us. It is a human desire to improve oneself and to facilitate the effective performance of day to day needs. Looking at history and the present, we can conclude that technology has affected us in three main ways: most importantly it has guaranteed the survival of our species, enabling us to better understand our world, it has enabled communication throughout the world, promoting the sharing of ideas, people, and goods, and finally it has also had detrimental effects on our world, significantly hurting the environment and leading to a world that is less safe than ever before. It is easy to look at only the upsides of technology and its benefits on society, but there are many advocates who believe that it should be limited to mitigate its negative effects. While the invention of smart phones has improved communication between people, what are its impacts on human to human interaction? Does it make us less social? The emergence of an industrial era spurred economic growth everywhere it spread but it also polluted, and continues to pollute our environment. These are all valid points that need to be analyzed to determine how the development of technology should be controlled, if it should be. There is no doubt that the human race has been able to better its fate by applying its knowledge usefully. Cavemen in Northern Europe
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