Technology and Teenagers

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Theme: Technology Narrowed topic: “The negative impacts of technology on teenagers between the ages of 13-19 Good afternoon. It is a pleasure to be here today and be part of such a distinguished panel. What I'd like to do in the time allot is to share some thoughts on the brave new world of technology and its impact on our youths now and into the next century. Everyone has seen the moody, withdrawn kid with music blasting out of his white ear buds, or the girl rapidly texting on her phone. The youth of today are constantly immersed in technological advancements that promote nonstop communication and instant gratification, whether through cell phones, gaming systems, laptops, or MP3 players. But are these technological advancements a good thing? I believe that the growth of technology has negatively influenced the social interactions of today's youth because it isolates individuals from reality, hinders communication, and perpetuates the concept of immediate ¬satisfaction. The negative impacts of technology on young people are known universally. Kids today know more than anyone about the latest gadgets, gizmos, etc. Well, even I would like to confess that I know more about the latest cell phones than my dad does! Kids know how to operate them, play games in it, and get used to them. Gone are those days when leisure time was about creative recreational activities. Video games, PlayStations, iPhones, and Androids are the new thing! And then we blame ourselves for not being creative enough. Read more at Buzzle: Technology is a negative influence on us because it separates individuals from reality. The iPod is one example; by putting in your ear buds and immersing yourself in music while in public, you are disconnecting yourself from the real world. “For some people, the main appeal of the iPod is
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