Facing The Facebook And Rdquo Analysis

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Sweeping the Nation In the essay “Facing the Facebook” by Michael Bugeja you will learn about problems college students are facing because of advanced technology such as Ipods, PDA’s, cell pones, and online communities. This is not only impairing students in the educational sense but in judicial sense. Michael Bugeja makes an excellent point about technology these days and how it is affecting our world negatively. In the summary below you will read about some his points and see how genuine they are. In the essay Michael Bugeja essay he points out how the use of modern technology is affecting students. Online communities and the use of cell phones and Ipods are disturbing today’s college students according to…show more content…
Many college students are posting inappropriate pictures and posting comments about substance abuse that violate student-conduct policies or local laws. Students these days are now being charged with code violations because of their Facebook postings. Online communities and texting also is being used as a form of cheating in the classroom. The author states a few institutions are blocking Facebook altogether. He thinks the students should be taught interpersonal intelligence and learn when, where, and what kind of internet usage is appropriate. Also in his essay it’s pointed out that many students are addicted to Facebook which tally’s 250 million hits everyday and ranks 9th in overall traffic over the internet. That kind of social networking affects all forms of academe. Additionally, online communities have a lot of factious information. It’s easy for a person to create a factitious profile and use these anonymous profiles. In Bugeja’s essay they say Facebook forbids such fabrications because of their “Terms of Service,” but is still possible for creators to create fake profiles that look real. Again, in his essay it’s stated that all you see on Facebook is an image. You don’t see that person face-to-face so identities are constructed and easily manipulated. Facebook is an interesting example of…show more content…
Bugeja states how it’s affecting college students, but doesn’t get into how it’s also affecting people in everyday life in general, such as being in the workplace or even being in a vehicle. Bugeja does a great job sharing his views about technology and how it’s affecting college students during school, but leaves out the matter of how it does affect the true world as a whole. Schools are using more technology to better education, but they have failed to realize that the younger generation’s views on technology are more of a means of delivering entertainment and secondarily as a means of

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