Teacher Survival Skills

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EDUC 200 Stephanie Davis January 16, 2014 Teacher Survival Skills Reflective Paper The video by Dr. Jim Zabloski titled “Teacher Survival Skills” suggests several skills to utilize which will assist you in surviving your first year of teaching. Many first year teachers are concerned that they are always tired and never have enough time to get everything done that is demanded of them whether it be professionally or personally. Dr. Zabloski offers several suggestions on how to relieve yourself of this stress if you prepare ahead of time. Being organized in both your classroom and personal life will assist in relieving stress. You should make lists of what you need to accomplish and if something is not completed then simply move it to the next day. Before you leave your classroom in the afternoon, you should prepare it for the next day so that when you arrive the next morning you are not rushing in to get prepared before the students arrive. Create procedures for repetitive actions that occur so that everyone in your class knows exactly what to expect and it does not cause a disruption when they occur. Managing your classroom will not only cause relief for yourself but will put your students at ease. Establish a few firm rules that are easy to remember and include the class in establishing these rules. When they are challenged, it should be addressed immediately. This will assist your students in knowing that you are in charge. Always be consistent with your classes. The students should know exactly what to expect from you and feel comfortable in knowing that you are always going to be consistent. You do not know what types of situations that students are coming from at home and this may be the only constant in their lives. Take the time to learn your students. You should attempt by the end of the first week to know their
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