A Comparison of Discipline Models

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Bettina Alcantar EDU-450 August 9, 2014 Allison Atkins A Comparison of Discipline Models Theory Strength Weakness Advantage Disadvantage Wong's "Effective Classroom" • Classroom procedures, rules and expectations are clarified at the beginning of the year. • The students know what is expected of them at all times. • It is extremely time consuming because you are constantly stressing and teaching rules. • This makes the classroom and learning environment predictable. • Allows teachers to focus on learning instead of discipline. • This takes away from teaching time because you are preparing rules and procedures. Kagan, Kyle, and Scott's "Win-Win Discipline" • It helps bring out the potential of the students even through disciplining them. • It is very clear for expectations that are passed to the students. • It stresses the importance of using the classroom to help the students overcome negative attitudes. • It forms positive skills. • It educates students in emotional and personal development as well as intellectual areas of study. • Too much focusing on attitudes can take away time from the content or academics. Morrish's "Real Discipline" • It shows and demonstrates a clear understanding of human nature and how students will react. • It has three elements that make it to easily implement them. training, • It is based on normal expectations and stresses reaction more than initiation. • Students raised with this theory will learn respect and responsibility. • It is well accepted by the students and can lead to a very functional classroom. • Students might not have the room and freedom to develop their own uniqueness’s or creativity. Conclusion: I personally and agree and like the Win-Win model of discipline because it is the most positive of the three, as it leaves more room for the personal development and positive
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