Tda 2.1 Identify The Different Types Of Child Abuse

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Task 1 TDA 2.2 – 1.1 * Byron review- In 2007 the former Prime Minister invited Professor Tanya Byron to review the risks that children face from the internet and videogames, the Byron review was put in place to ensure that child using technologies and safe and not exposed to unsuitable things. Our setting follows this review by ensuring that children are only aloud on suitable programmes or sites when using the computer/internet. * Every child matters – every child matter has 5 outcomes which each child care setting has to follow to ensure that children and safe and have a good welfare of care. These outcomes are: Be healthy, Stay safe, Enjoy and achieve, Make a positive contribution, Achieve economic well-being. Our setting follows…show more content…
They campaign to change laws, provide a child line and give support to both children and families where it is needed. TDA 2.2 – 3.1 There are different types of child abuse these are: * Physical – physical abuse is where a child is being abused by contact from another person for example: being smacked. The signs of this kind abuse are: visible bruises, cuts, swelling, also the child may be upset and scared. * Emotional – emotional abuse is where a child is being abused by their feelings for example, being told things that upset them. A sign of a child being emotional abused is there the child may be upset, may not want to go to parent, may be withdrawn and will be scared. * Sexual – sexual abuse is where a child is being abused by sexual contact of an adult, symptoms of this kind of abuse are: child may be sore in areas, if of an age where they are in nappies you may notice bleeding and swelling, child will be upset and also scared as well as in pain. * Neglect/failure to thrive – neglecting a child is where they are not looked after and their welfare needs are not met, a sign of this would be child is hungry, dirty, un well. The child will feel upset, alone and
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