Gemma Lee Unit 4: Principles of safe guarding and protection in health and social care. 1.1 There is several type of abuse. Physical abuse, which results in physical pain, This includes the use of physical force, hitting, beating, shoving, shaking, slapping, kicking, punching and burning. Sexual abuse, which is inflicted by un-consensual sexual contact and can range from derogatory name claiming, to causing unwanted physical pain during sex Caused by, deliberate isolation, humiliation and intimidation, Emotional/psychological abuse is also another form of abuse, and can lead to depression and anxiety. Financial abuse is inflicted by stealing somebody else’s good, property or money, for example, a carer stealing from a vulnerable service user, be it money or possessions.
They have to talk about it otherwise this is a wound that festers and it will lead to depression. Sometimes the victim feels they provoked it and tends to feel guilt and lose trust in men. Rape may also affect the victim by them not being able to have a happy sexual relationship and partnership. In some cases victims commit suicide because they are unable to deal with the trauma. They should seek counseling in a self-help group of molested or raped victim’s.
Signs and symptom of physical abuse: cuts and grazes Hitting and kicking Pain and marks Burns and bruises Giving medication that may harm withdrawal from daily activities and social contact Disciplining in an inappropriate way Sexual abuse: Sexual abuse is when a vulnerable adult pressurized or forced to taking part into any sexual activities. Being forced to have sex and looking at sexual pictures or videos. Signs and symptom of sexual abuse: Genital itching and soreness Behaving in a sexually inappropriate way Changes in appearance Using bad language Having sexually transmitted disease Sexually transmitted disease Depression and lack of self esteem Emotional/psychological abuse: Emotional abuse is putting you down, when someone is shouting at you or making you feel bad and upset. When someone making threats about someone or something. Signs and symptom of emotional/psychological abuse: Bullying Humiliation Verbal abuse Being withdrawn and upset Not being able to concentrate and focus Unexplained fear and agitated Unusual behavior Nervous and confusion Financial abuse: Financial abuse is someone is tries to misuse a person funds and obtaining property without their consent.
* Sexual abuse: This is when the victim has not given consent to a sexual activity, or does not have the understanding or ability to refuse consent also they might feel forced by another person because of their authority of over them. * Emotional/ psychological abuse: This is when the victim experiences bullying, name calling, intimidation and mental cruelty that results in them experiencing mental or physical distress. * Financial abuse: This is when the victims’ money or personal processions are not used for their benefit but are used by another person for personal gain. * Institutional abuse: This is when the needs of the victim are overridden by a situation or routine that ignores their personal needs. * Self neglect: This is when a service user is unable to care for themselves and can also be a result of physical and mental health issues.
Lack of communication in a care home setting, could result in clients being over or under medicated on a regular basis. Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse is any non-consensual sexual contact; it is the forcing of undesirable sexual behaviour by one person upon another. This can be physical attacks, verbal suggestions, insults or exposure to unwanted sexual imagery. Sexual abuse could occur when a carer offering support to a venerable person, could use their status to coerce that person to touching them in an inappropriate manner. This type of abuse could also be present in a care home setting with the perpetrator being another client, forcing a person to undress, or made to watch specific sexual actions.
In this phase the victim struggles with the realization of what has happened, that they have been raped, and they slowly begin to accept it. However this makes their feelings turn into revenge and anger toward the rapist, or sometimes they may become angry with themselves. They often may begin to question how they could have let it happen and most often place the blame on themselves. These feelings tend to die down however most seem to hold them all on the inside afterwards causing a lot of psychological pain. Generally, rape survivors report feeling powerless, shock, guilt, depression, anxiety, shame, embarrassment, and disbelief during this phase.
Sexual abuse happens when a service user is involved in sexual activities that he/she doesn’t understand, have not consented or which violate the sexual taboos of family custom and practice Signs: soreness, bruising or bleeding around the genital area, the service user may withdraw from us when we touch them or they may hit us in an attempt to protect themselves. Emotional/Psychological abuse relates to any action that damages an individual’s mental well-being and development, causing him/her emotional distress, e.g. verbal abuse, including badgering, coercing, provoking or frightening actions or making someone undertake or witness acts which are personally distasteful Signs: the service user may be distressed, frightened, nervous, irritable or very withdrawn and reluctant to hold a conversation. Financial abuse is the misuse of an individual’s money or personal possessions or any resources of a vulnerable person. Signs: the service user may appear worried, irritable, frighten to engage in conversation because of the pressure he/she is facing.
Activities such as showing pornographic material, forcing the person to watch sex acts or forcing the person to undress are also considered sexual abuse. The signs and symptoms of sexual abuse in the elderly can be bruises around breasts or genitals, genital infections, unexplained vaginal or anal bleeding, torn, stained, or bloody underwear, disturbed sleep patterns, vulnerable adult appears withdrawn and fearful,
Factors that can contribute to an individual being more vulnerable to physical abuse may be that the service user cannot communicate verbally and also the service user may re-in act the physical abuse on other service users. Sexual abuse Some examples of sexual abuse could be forcing a service use to take part in any sexual activity against their will or watching sexual activities, this could be in the internet. Signs and symptoms of sexual abuse may be that the service user tries to perform some of the sexual acts on other service users or members of staff or even in the public. The service user may be bleeding from the vagina or rectum. Service users who have been sexually abused may start to self harm.
Unit 4-Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care. There are several different types of abuse; physical Abuse, this could be hitting, shaking, and biting, scalding, force feeding or any other physical harm to a person. Sexual Abuse, this could be forcing an individual to be part of a sexual activity or behaving in a sexual inappropriate way. Penetrative acts or non-penetrative acts and viewing inappropriate sexual activity on the internet are all types of sexual abuse. Emotional/psychological abuse, this could be bullying, threatening behaviour, lowering self esteem, exploitation, verbal abuse and swearing.