Unit 204: Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care

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Unit 204: Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care Know how to recognise signs of abuse There are several different types of abuse, such as physical abuse and financial abuse. Each type of abuse is carried out in different ways and has various impacts on the victim. Unfortunately many service users become victims of abuse, in its many forms. Physical abuse can be inflicted on a service user in a number of ways such as punching, kicking or pulling their hair. Physical abuse is the act of violence on an individual that causes pain. A number of different signs can indicate that a service user is being physically abused. The main signs are physical marks or injuries such as bruises, burns and fractures. In addition to this the service users behaviour can change such as becoming more shy, hesitant quiet and withdrawn. Depression is a common consequence of being physically abused as the service user is normally too scared or vulnerable to speak up and ask for help. This then leads to them feeling lonely and worthless. Sexual abuse is a term used to describe being forced into sexual activities against your will. A service user could be sexually abused by being made to touch others intimately against their will, being touched intimately against their will and undressing or having sex with an individual against their will. Bruises in intimate areas, unexplained genital bleeding, sexually transmitted infections and even pregnancy are all common signs of sexual abuse. In addition to this the service user may often become scared or tense when around others for example when a carer is helping them to wash and get dressed they may tense up and become more frightened and timid when the carer washes their intimate areas. This is a sign that they are expecting something bad to happen or that there is something happening to them that they are
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