Cyp 3.3 4.1

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Unit 3 Understand the importance of ensuring children and young people’s safety and protection in the work setting 4.1 Describe the possible signs, symptoms, indicators and behaviours that may cause concern in the context of safeguarding Abuse and neglect are forms of ill treatment of a child. A person may abuse or neglect a child by causing them harm or by failing to stop harm to them. Child abuse can have a huge long-term effect on a child's health, development and well-being. The main forms of maltreatment are physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. The possible signs of physical abuse can be injuries that don’t match with the explanation. There can be bruising or injuries that are on parts of the body that would not be injured by a fall or a rough game. There could be injuries to a child that have not been seen by a doctor or nurse. When the child talks…show more content…
The child may show signs of inappropriate sexual behaviour when they are playing for their age or they may show an obsession about sexual matters. The child or young person may use sexual words, show sexual play or show knowledge of sex through their drawings. A child can have urinary infections or constant tummy pains that have no explanation. They may be seductive around adults. The child and young person could have fears, nightmares or severe sleep problems. Children and young people can develop an eating disorder. Signs of possible emotional abuse can be when a child or young person becomes clingy and withdrawn or they become aggressive, anxious or can appear depressed. They can develop obsessions or phobias. The child can have a sudden lack of concentration and not mixing with the other children. They look for adult attention and can be cruel to other children. They can also be very shy and quiet. Children and young people can also start to steal, lie and attempt to run
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