Taj Hotel Case Analysis

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TSTD 6220 International Hotel Management Fall 2012 Case Study 1 --- Taj Hotel Group Name: YIJUN LIU GWID: G29986443 Executive Summary The Taj hotel group has adopted the new performance management system after Krishna Kumar replaced Ajit kerkar, that the promotion and pay would be determined by the formal review and evaluation system. However, there are concerns about the correctness of the performance system. There are conflicts between Subir Bhowmick, the chief operating officer of the luxury hotel division and Krishna Kumar, the managing director and head of the Taj Hotel Group about the assignment of a particular manager to run the Taj Kumarakom. Kumar wants to assign the person who was selected by the system and the Career Development Committee (CDC), but Bhowmick has another manager in his mind for that position. What should Krishna kumar decide? Brief overview of key case facts After the years without formal processes for evaluating, developing, and tracking people, the human resources department adopted a new performance system. However, there are several concerns about the usefulness of it. First of all, even though the tool of performance appraisal was implemented in order to fairly evaluate people, it should be other tools to develop the employees as well. Moreover, many executives worried that the greater transparency introduced into the organization came at great cost considering fiving up the family orientation. There was also concern about how to achieve correctly staffed company beyond the voluntary retirement option since the company is overstaffed. Others were also concern that these systems did not go far enough as Taj’s strong ties with its workforce. People who are retired, had resigned to other companies even who had been asked to leave were included in the newly renovated Taj Mumbai lobby party since the

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