Supporting Good Practice in Employment Relation

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CIPD Assessment Assessment Title | 1. Impact of employment law at the start of the employment relationship. 2. Individual rights of an employee in an employment relationship. 3. Issues to address at the termination of the employment relationship. | Employment relationship only exists between the employer and the employee. Below are two internal and external factors which impacts on employment relationship. Leadership: Leadership plays a key role in setting the tone of an organisation and trust in the leadership has positive influences on employee behavior. If the leaders are perceived as trustworthy, full of integrity and honorable, employees are encouraged and motivated to be more productive. They are also confident to voice out their concerns through communication committees or engagement surveys because they trust that action will be taken on their views and opinion.Organisational structure: a structure which controls, coordinates and motivates employees through policies, procedures and expectation to achieve the organisational goal is required. Efficiency is enabled by monitoring and managing employee’s performances through processes such as appraisals, reward and recognition and incentives. This results in achievement of individual objectives and contributes to organisational goals. Economic: In recent years, recession and restriction in economic growth has affected job creation and employees have been made redundant because employers can no longer afford to retain them. The shrinking economy has tipped bargaining power in favour of the employer because demand for labour has decreased. Technology: Technological advancement has created new jobs, made different working arrangements possible such as work off-site and has allowed some industries to become more capital intensive. | | In employment law, the employment status

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