Supervisor Subordinate Communication

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Supervisor-Subordinate Communication Effect on Performance, Trust and Morale Successful communication between supervisor and subordinate determines the success of employees. What happens if there is a lack of communication between supervisors and employees? This paper explores the perception of lack of communication between supervisor and subordinate and how this affects an employee’s performance, trust and morale. My research will identify, partially through the use of an employee questionnaire, specific situations where employees perceive a lack of communication. My study will help develop my managerial skills as well as offer alternative training ideas for newly developing managers within my organization. Supervisor-subordinate communication is an important predictor in employee work performance. It is imperative for a supervisor to communicate when attempting to improve employee work performance, trust and morale. Without a solid communication strategy, the supervisor-subordinate relationship will disintegrate and employee performance and productivity will be compromised. According to Miles “Positive relationship communication focuses on supervisors seeking suggestions from subordinates, being interested in them as people, relating with them in a casual manner, and allowing them to contribute input on important decisions.” (Miles, Patrick & King, 1996, p. ) In order to apply this philosophy in real life, I determined how employees in my organization perceive supervisor communication. In addition, I examined employee performance, trust and morale during times when there is a negative perception of communication with supervisors. Negative employee perceptions of supervisor communication are important in determining employee trust and morale as well. The decisions made in this study use the process model to explore how employee’s

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