Social Limitations Of African Americans Essay

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, U.S. History 1.06 Assessment 9-24-15 Social Limitations: During the Civil War times and after the war, the African Americans had it rough. The Whites and the Blacks were not exactly friends, more like business partners if anything. The African Ameri8cans were not allowed to live in the same neighborhood as the Whites. They had to live in separate communities and even then there were still problems. The African American children did not attend the same schools as the Whites. The African Americans couldn’t even be in the same room as a White person alone. The African Americans were not able to attend the same churches as the Whites. The African Americans were treated as slaves and animals and indigently. Only Blacks could marry…show more content…
The African Americans were not able to vote because the whites and the government disenfranchised the African Americans; until the 15th Amendment. The African Americans were considered illiterate to the Whites. The 15th amendment states that they could no longer discriminate based on race. Even though this amendment sounded like good news, the Whites still made literacy test and poll taxes that the African Americans had to do even before voting. The African Americans couldn’t run for office either, they still had Democrats and Republicans. The Whites were scared that a Black would run for office and ruin…show more content…
Most of the African Americans were just slaves to the Whites. The African Americans didn’t usually have any say in their lives because they were unequal to the Whites. The African Americans were forced to sharecrop because they could not afford their own land. Their pay was less than minimal. The African Americans were treated unfairly and they were the first group of people that were laid off during any economic downturn. When things were bad economically the Blacks suffered even more. The economical difference between whites and Blacks was that the Whites had more money so that meant they were better than them. Some of the African Americans eventually left and this was called The Great
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