Causes Of The Civil War

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The civil war was a major event in our history. The civil war was a culmination of factors that had been brewing between the North and South for many years. The civil war lasted four years. It was a war in the United States between The Union and The confederacy. Although many people believe that the civil war was only about slavery that is not totally true. The civil war was about many factors and issues that divided the North from the South. The civil war was fought between slave states and free states. For this reason it makes it seem as though it was a slavery war. The civil war created many economic downfalls for both the Union and Confederacy. Many men died during the civil war trying to fight for what they truly believed in. There were…show more content…
The biggest difference now between the North and South was the legalization of slavery. Slavery therefore is my third biggest factor leading to the civil war. Although slavery was already intact in many states, there was now the expansion of the United States. As the new territories were acquired there were many debates over whether each territory would be a slave territory or a free territory. Slavery was a topic and an issue between the North and South for many years. Many people in the North felt that slavery was immoral. People in the South felt that slavery was not only right but it was necessary. Slaves were treated very inferior. They often lived in small cabins regardless of how many there were. They live away from the master’s house because they were not seen as equal. Slaves were worked very hard and had very little rights. Slaves also lived in dirty and uncomfortable quarters. For the most part northerners felt this treatment was immoral. Slavery became a growing rift between the North and South. It led to many conflicts of pro slavery and anti slavery. With the production of cotton in the South, they felt that slaves provided a necessary labor use. There were many battles between the pro slavery groups and the abolitionists. Abolitionists did not really think that black people were totally free. They served as servants and did not have the same…show more content…
The issue alone brought along many conflicts and battles. This was very evident in the Kansas territory. The fourth event that I feel led to the civil war was the events that took place during an era named Bleeding Kansas. Kansas was a territory that was part of the Kansas – Nebraska Act. It gave the people of the state the right to decide whether they wanted to legalize slavery or not. Because of this act many pro slavery and abolitionists rushed to the territory in an effort to establish their point of view. There were many conflicts that took place in battles between the two sides during this period. There were killings and fights and in one instance an anti slavery raid led to the killing of a man and his sons who had no slaves or no dealings with slaves. Popular sovereignty, the last remaining moderate solution to the controversy over the expansion of slavery, had failed dismally in Kansas (Davidson, Gienapp, Heyrman, Lytle, Stoff, 2005). Bleeding Kansas really drew the line between the North and South. The rift between the two grew as it was now becoming more violent and lives were
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