Slumdog Millionair and Life of Pi Common Themes

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Common Themes The Will To Survive: In both texts the protagonist must face challenge and adversity in order to survive. In ‘Slumdog Millionaire’, Jamal and Salim are orphan ‘slumdogs’. The will to survive: both texts demonstrate the resiliency of the human spirit to face adversity and survive despite inhospitable environments and desperate circumstances. In both texts the protagonist transgresses moral and ethical boundaries in order to do what is necessary in order to survive. Pi, a Hindu vegetarian, eats meat- including dried human flesh- to starve off hunger, and kills the French cook (the hyena/ blind Frenchman). Jamal and his brother Salim steal shoes and dupe tourists in Agra out of money in order to survive. Salim, like the French cook, acts in a more brutal and less ethical way to ensure his survival. This is illustrated at the beginning of the film when he sells his brother’s beloved autograph of film star Bachchan. Salim’s moral fabric deteriorates as he chooses crime, money and power to stay alive, a decision which ultimately leads him to sacrifice himself because he comes to the realization that to merely meet ones physical and material needs, while essential, it is not enough. For Pi, lfe on the island fulfills his materials needs but is not enough. The need for meaningful existence: both texts illustrate the need of the human spirit for faith in something greater than a mere material existence. Jamal places his faith in his love for Latika where Pi places his faith in God. Both protagonists develop a belief in destiny, as the separate events of their lives enable the to face the challenges of their futures. The better story: both texts highlight the human need to make sense of life, the ups and downs of the journey and both composers suggest the power of storytelling as a means to achieve this. Pi makes
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