Should Teachers Be Armed Essay

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Should teachers be armed? The answer to this is not as simple as a yes or no. If it were so easy, the issue would have been solved years ago. The answer is yes and no with variables for both. An answer of yes to arming school teachers has requirements that are non-negotiable. Yes, teachers who want to carry a weapon in school should be able to as a preventative measure while permanent measures are taken to stem the tide of school shootings. Arming teachers should be the tourniquet on the way to the hospital for emergency surgery, not the surgery itself, pun intended. Allowing armed school personnel should be temporary while permanent solutions are being implemented. While allowing the arming of teachers, society needs to take real steps and engage…show more content…
Any gun held by an employee must be registered with the local police dept. specifically regarding the school and listed in all databases as a weapon on school property belonging to Teacher X, Y or Z, located in hall W, classroom A, with daily schedule provided. (In the case of an active shooter, police know who in the school has a weapon, and have a general idea of where the employee works in the school. The police shouldn't be in the position of not knowing you from the shooter.) 4. Any teacher carrying a weapon must agree to a live GPS on both their person and the weapon. (In the event of an active shooter, there should be no ability for police confusion over who is and isn't a "friendly.") 5. Students should not be informed of which teachers are carrying. (If it is publicized, an active shooter would merely avoid that class or teacher and focus on other classes or teachers. Furthermore, schools should not resemble military barracks. Kids should have no idea of what adults are carrying guns, if any. Identifying teachers that are carrying puts a target, no pun intended, on those not carrying. These shootings are usually planned well, thus things like this would likely be considered by the would-be
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