Should Sexual Education Be Taught in Public Schools?

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According to research done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, aka, the CDC, youths aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all HIV infections in the United States in 2010. About 60% of these youths don’t even know they have HIV, mostly because they don’t know the signs or symptoms. In 2012, in a survey also conducted by the CDC, a total of 305,388 babies were born to women aged 15–19 years old. This is actually a drop of about 6%, from a study done in 2011. These numbers are a bit startling, aren’t they? As a teenager, you should be worrying about college and careers. STDs and pregnancy shouldn’t even concern you. However, as this generation goes on, it’s a growing worry. That is because sexual education isn’t taught in schools – it’s left up to parents to teach their kids about the importance of abstinence and condoms. Most parents do, but, alas, most parents do not. There is no argument against the school system existing to prepare youths for adulthood. The inescapable reality is that sexuality is a part of adult life, and many may do it because they see their friends doing it (peer pressure), or they see it on TV or hear it in songs. It is a common belief that many people believe sexual education urges youths to experiment with their sexualities. There is no proof supporting that claim. The truth is that sex education does not encourage students to do it. According to a survey, only about seventeen percent of the respondents answered that sex education does encourage them to have sex and that the remaining eighty- three percent strongly disagreed. However, there is a downside of sexual education being taught in public schools. Students may experience embarrassment or excitement by the topic. This can cause for disruptions if students start to giggle or make inappropriate remarks. Another disadvantage of sexual education being taught

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