Some organisations have rules for communications to be followed, which covers verbal communication i.e. on how to answer the telephone, write letters that are sent out by them, guidelines etc. Also to use feedback from service users, using surveys or maybe a letter from an individual giving either praise, compliment or even complaint. 1.3. Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communication with them.
1.1 Identify different reasons why people communicate To express needs, to share ideas and information, to reassure, express feelings, socialize, ask questions, share experience’s, give instructions, share opinions, give encouragement. 1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of working in adult social care settings Individuals communicate to express their needs and preferences and to ensure they are met. As a carer I discuss the options and the choices available to the individual to allow them and informed choice regards to their care. 1.3 Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them. In face to face communication the person listening may not always indicate verbally if they have understood or agree.
Do you like to talk? If you are a leader you need to have good communication skills. The person in charge has to be very articulate to make sure that the people understand him/her. Having an open door policy is great it can allow employees and/or colleagues to talk to you on a daily basis to help work out issues or to just catch up. The person in charge should be able to relate with everyone on some level and should be able to have some type of conversation.
Unit 1 1.1 Identify different reasons why people communicate People communicate for different reasons e.g) * To express needs and wishes * To share information and ideas * To express feelings * To build relationships + socialise * To ask questions and share experiences 1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of working in adult social care setting Effective communication affects all aspects of working in adult social care because if you don’t show effective communication the person you are communicating to may not understand what it is you are saying or asking. They may also misinterpret what you mean therefore giving you an invalid response. 1.3 Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them It is important to observe an individual’s body language when talking to them to make sure they fully understand what is being said, although they may sound like they understand they might look confused or may not be listening. In face to face communication the person listening may not always communicate verbally, and instead answer with a nod or shake their head therefore it’s important to pick this up for effective communication. 2.1 Explain why it is important to find out an individual’s communication and Language needs, wishes and preferences It is important to find out an individual’s language needs because not Everyone communicates in the same way.
Dialogue with a family member and a stranger can be informal but communication within the workplace is much more proper. Companies consider project collaboration as good business practice so effective communication is a requirement for success. Having effective communication skills is crucial when working with a team of individuals. Confidence is one example of a good communication skill. By showing self confidence when dealing with different personalities that composed a team, the outcome of the task assigned is much more manageable to predict.
UNIT 1 Introduction in comunication 1 Undestand why communication is important in the work setting 1.1Identify the different reasons people communicate People communicate for specific reasons,in orderto express emotion( fear,anger,pain,joy,loss).People live and communicate whitin a range of different groups and communities _families,neighbourhoods,workplaces,schools,comercial settings,users of profesional services,Communication can be –formal or informal. The nature of communication is very different,dependent ofthe circumstances,some communication are personal and very intimate(usualy with people to we are very close) ,other communication are for anaudience and are aimed at groups of people. 1.2Explain haw effective communication affects all aspects of the learners work In our job we need to communicate with people all the time. First with the person we are supporting and then with the family and frends. We will also communicate with coleagoes and with other professionals.The way you communicatewill bedifferent depending on the person with you are communicating and the purpose of communication.
What we say, how we say it and our body language communicates a multitude of messages that are given and received consciously and subconsciously by using different communication methods. People communicate because they have information or ideas they may want to share with another person. It is important to remember that communication involves gestures, eye contact, writing, as well as speaking. 1.2 Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting. Communication affects relationships in many ways in the work setting.
We all think differently and communicate in different ways. The people you are supporting will communicate because they are motivated by what they need. 1.2 Explain how communication affects relationships in an adult social care setting. Good communication is the key to a productive relationship between the patient and carer. Colleagues who are articulate with passing on important and general information will ensure that the care they are providing is of a high standard it will also contribute towards developing supportive relationships with the users is effective, eliminating possible mistakes.
People usually feel satisfied when they communicate well with individuals. Good communication enables individuals needs to be met and for care and support workers to feel, they are not just doing the job but doing it in a way that allows individuals to have choice and control over their lives. Good communication will enable you to build strong professional relationships based on trust. It is essential that the individuals you support trust you as you are working very closely with them to improve their lives and if you are providing personal care, you will be carrying out intimate tasks. Communication is an essential skill for worker who wants to do well in their setting; this communication can be between adults or children.
When communication is present, trust and a sense of comfort is gained by the other workers, which can lead to better morale, greater work turnaround, and stronger organizational culture. This is very important to organizational success because all workers perform as a team rather than individuals and the key to success with any team is being able to trust one another and being able to communicate