Overall it could therefore be argued that rather than partners becoming more equal, women now have to carry a ‘dual burden’, whereby she is responsible for two jobs of unpaid or paid labour. Factors such as patriarchy and conforming to a gender script will lead to these divisions. Secondly, it could be argued that the money management within a family has an effect on the power relations between couples. Edgell argues that the reason why men are likely to take the decisions is because they earn more; women usually earn less than their husbands, and as a result of being dependant on them, have less say in the decision making. Similarly, Michelle Barrett and Mary McIntosh additionally argue that men usually make the decisions about spending on important items.
If it is a result of implicit discrimination due to lifestyle choices, then women’s lower earnings result from the fact that women take more time off when having children or choose to work fewer hours. If it is explicit discrimination, then the gender pay gap is a result of stereotypical beliefs. There is a debate as to what extent this is the result of gender differences, implicit discrimination due to lifestyle choices, or because of explicit discrimination. If it is a result of gender differences, then the pay gap is not a problem; men are simply better equipped to perform more valuable work than women. If it is a result of implicit discrimination due to lifestyle choices, then women's lower earnings result from the fact that women typically take more time off when having children or choose to work fewer hours.
Unfortunately the recent report tells us that only by 2095 we can achieve the full gender equality on the workplace. However, of course, we could try and shorten that time. It is obviously important to have not only males in the business world, because this way we miss out on many opportunities that women could bring to the world, due to the different perception of values. When for example men are driven by mostly material success, women tend to build up relationships and friendly environment on the workplace. However, sometimes emotions and nurturing can affect the business in a negative manner.
This gives them a lot of hope and makes them feel wanted. During this time period many workers were needed. Immigrants would take jobs for less money and more hours than an American would. They would do anything to find a job. They would work hard to succeed because they had less than the American citizens.
This is a potential reason for the high turnover rate, as low-level employees are more likely to be transient. The results also showed that the majority of the sample was more dissatisfied, than satisfied with company operations. The qualitative data showed more negative responses (1 and 2) versus positive or middle ground responses. Employees feared losing their job and felt they were not being compensated fairly. Also, the majority of the employees surveyed did not enjoy their assigned shift nor did they feel they were given the proper tools to perform their jobs effectively.
A UC Berkley study of California’s childcare support system found that early care and education systems have much to do with the ongoing wage gap. Found through research done by the Roosevelt institute, the study states, “Better pay and benefits are correlated with a continuous work history. When workers’ careers are disrupted because of child care failure — care that is unreliable, unaffordable, or just unavailable — and these workers are usually women. Periods of non-employment lead to lower wages because of loss of seniority, and sometimes being less likely to receive further training or mentoring due to questions of commitment.” (Kimmel 2006, p.79)When not working for long periods of time some significant “skill deprecation” may occur and thus lowering the wage. Investment in early child education that is affordable to all classes would, in the end work to everyone’s advantage.
Women are challenged with unequal pay, sexual harassment, and discrimination. Some employers feel that a woman can do a job better than they can, so they say I couldn’t hire you because you are over qualified for the position. On some jobs others are offered a job position before an African American is offered that position, and sometimes it doesn’t make a difference if you are more qualified than the other person. If they do not accept the position then you may get offered that position and that is looked at as a hand me down position. African Americans may not receive assignments that offer a long term position or advancement for the company.
Historically, female-dominated industries and jobs have attracted lower wages than male-dominated industries and jobs * a lack of women in senior positions, and a lack of part-time or flexible senior roles. Women are more likely than men to work part-time or flexibly because they still undertake most of society’s unpaid caring work and may find it difficult to access senior
However, there is a major concern inside of the workforce. On average men earn more money than woman working in the same career position. This should be an outrage to business women everywhere. On the other hand, the gender hierarchy starts way before men and women enter their career field. Unfortunately, in thier adolescent years, girls and boys are influenced to take classes that are deemed appropriate for their gender.
The recommended amount of support from welfare she receives is determined by how much she makes and if she is unwed. But because of this fact, she is more likely to have less expenses and more money in her pocket to spend. She will have fewer expenses than a married woman with a job paying $70,000, and only a slightly lower living standard. (Pethokoukis) This has become a controversy for the struggling middle class. Not all of those eligible for federal or state support exploit this system, but many do.