Sexism In The Workplace

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Helina Kainth ________________________________ _______________________ Sexism in the workplace ___________ Mr. Cowan HSP3M0-A Friday, December 17th, 2010 Sexism in the workplace Sexism is a state of mind that is acceptable in the workplace, which is surprising or ridiculous, since we’re in the 21st century. Sexism is becoming an attitude that is common in the workplace. Sexism is a type of discrimination based on gender, and can be seen in various situations. Gender differences can effect how people think and act towards each other. Believing sexism will go away without putting major changes in place, is not a reality. Sexism blatantly exists in the work place. Obvious (and most common) examples of this would be: women are often paid less than their male counterparts for the same position, men often receive rapid job promotions in comparison to women and women are usually the targets of gender based harassment. Women frequently struggle with the lack of pay they receive, in comparison to their male counterparts. A woman working in the same job as a man will usually earn less, despite the fact that she may have the same or better training, education, and skills required for the job ("Study Shows Female Managers in Britain Earn Less than Men, and Equality Could Be 57 Years Away." 2010). Women are consistently discriminated against in the workplace. Women only make 60 percent or less than their male counterparts in the same job position (Louis, 2010). Throughout history men are seen as the “strong/tough ones”; the belief is that they should be paid more than women in order to support their families (Loney, 2005). Women often take time off from work to raise their children, which can interfere with their career path. Also, married women with children are more likely to leave their jobs, rather than women who are single and/or without
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