Gender Wage Gap Research Paper

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Fenjy Duval Not only do we wage wars with other countries against money, allegedly the same things can be found happening with genders. The infamous gender wage gap, although precedent throughout all time, our era of revelations has pin pointed more focus on it than ever before. The gender wage gap has increasingly improved throughout time, yet the numbers are still quite staggering. Katie Johnston, staff member at the Boston Globe, writes, “Hispanic women who clean offices and houses for a living make just 54 cents on the dollar compared with what male janitors make. Compared with their Hispanic male counterparts, Latina cleaners make just 59 percent.” This instance is only one of many that occur throughout all tiers of the economic agenda.…show more content…
Research performed by the American Progress Organization shows that nearly 6 out of 10 women are the primary, sole, or co-provider for their family. As more dependence is being placed on women, the wages are expected to match with those demands. A route to a faster improvement would be to raise the minimum wage. The demand for more money is very high and women make up two-thirds of the minimum wage workers. A raise in the minimum wage gap would inadvertently help everyone, while still deliberately aiding in the step for equality in the workplace. Although leaders of the country are maneuvering us in that direction, without women to make their viewpoints assertive to the supremacist of this country, they will always view the silence as ambivalence for…show more content…
A UC Berkley study of California’s childcare support system found that early care and education systems have much to do with the ongoing wage gap. Found through research done by the Roosevelt institute, the study states, “Better pay and benefits are correlated with a continuous work history. When workers’ careers are disrupted because of child care failure — care that is unreliable, unaffordable, or just unavailable — and these workers are usually women. Periods of non-employment lead to lower wages because of loss of seniority, and sometimes being less likely to receive further training or mentoring due to questions of commitment.” (Kimmel 2006, p.79)When not working for long periods of time some significant “skill deprecation” may occur and thus lowering the wage. Investment in early child education that is affordable to all classes would, in the end work to everyone’s advantage. More people in the work force mean a boost for our economy. The subsidies coming in from the increased number of women able to work throughout their child’s early years, would immensely help the women provide more money for a better future in the sake of the whole family. The fight for economic justice is not a new movement. It’s been an ongoing battle that has furthered this planets development beyond what was ever imaginable. The state of mind that we must construct into ourselves is that things are good but could definitely
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