Script On The Balavihar Annual Program

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Cast Narrator- Sona Jash-Jash Friend 1- Karthik Friend 2- Sanak Rama- Nilay Friend 3- Ajay Narrator- Jash, a 12-year old Lakers fan needs to decide whether he should attend the Balavihar annual program, or the 7th game of the NBA finals, Lakers vs. Heat. He knows it is a once in a lifetime opportunity, but he also realizes his commitment to Balavihar where he learns about the Vibhishana Gita, which teaches valuable lessons such as the importance of Shreyas and Preyas. Jash enters along with friend 1 and 2 Friend 2- Here’s your ticket, I bought for you yesterday. It was very expensive, so you better come. Jash- Done deal. Jash- Wow! Look at these seats! 5 rows from the front! Lakers vs. Heat! I can’t pass up on this opportunity.…show more content…
Friend 1- Hey! You’re coming to the game tomorrow, right?! The seats are incredible! You have to come! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Friend 2- Yeah! You probably won’t ever have an opportunity like this again! We already bought our Lakers gear! Friends leave. Jash- See! All of my friends are going! But then again, there is that Balavihar event. And I keep hearing this voice in my head telling me to go to it. Oddly enough, that voice sounds incredibly like my parents’… Rama enters. Rama- Greetings, Jash. I am Lord Rama. I am here to help you make the correct decision. Jash- Wow! So you’re like my conscience or something! Rama- Sort of. My purpose is to help man kind live a dharmic lifestyle, so I go around helping people in their day to day predicaments.So you have to make a desicion between going to a Lakers game, or the Balalvihar annual program, correct? Jash- Not really. See, I’ve already made the decision to go to the Lakers game. Rama- Are you sure that that is the best choice? Jash- Well, How can I pass up on this? I’ve been to every Balavihar class for 3 years in a row now. Maybe it’s time for a break. Rama- But if you think about it, going to the Lakers game would be Preyas, or short term…show more content…
I’ll tell my friends right now. Jash takes off his Lakers jersey, only to reveal he is wearing his Chinmaya Jyoti shirt, and Jash leaves SHOW VIDEO! (:25 seconds!) Friends enter. Friend 1- Man, that game stunk a lot. I can’t beleive they lost by that much. I can’t beleive I wasted all of that money on my ticket. Friend 2- I know. For the first time this year, the Lakers got blown out of the water. And of course, it was in game 7! Friends exit, hanging their heads. Jash and another friend, enter in their Chinmaya Jyoti shirts. Jash- Wasn’t that annual program awesome? Friend 3- Yeah! The other classes’ plays were so cool! Jash- Yeah, and I heard that the Lakers got blown out by a lot... Friend 3- Wow, I knew it was the right decision to come here. I kind of enjoy coming to Balavihar. I get to see all of my friends and learn a lot about our culture and religion. Jash and friend leave. COSTUMES Jash- Lakers jersey over CM shirt, jeans, Sanak- Black Lakers shirt(provided by Jash), jeans Karthik- T shirt, holding a Lakers basketball(provided by Jash), jeans Ajay- T-shirt, jeans Sona-Indian clothes?

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