Scouting as an Interesting Activity

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Scouting as an Interesting Activity There are many interesting activities when joining in Scouting. Since can get lots of knowledge because Scouting is one of the informal educations and the one and only organization which is regulated in constution. We will know how to survive in wild life, how to use map and compas, meet with new friends from other places and know how to be a good Scout Leader. In the whole world, every school from Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School and University have Scout Movement Organization. For example, you join Scouting in Lampung University, you will find various funny and challenging activities. These two elaborated paragraphs bellow will show the examples. The first activity is called Napak Tilas. Usually follow by Senior High School students in Lampung region and University students in Lampung, Palembang, and West Java regions. It is called so because in this activity, we should walk to remember the struggle of our heroes from Raden Intan’s Grave in Penengahan, Kalianda to Lampung University in three days to go through approximately in 180km. Absolutely, we are not walk all day long, but in the night, we will take a rest for sleep in two places, Candipuro and Tanjung Bintang and the last in Lampung University. It is very exhausting but this activity will increase the relationship between the participants, they will get many new friends, and also can see many interested place and beatiful scenery in all along the journey. The other useful activity is Advanced Courses of Scout Master at Basic Level or in Indonesian it is called KMD. The participants of KMD are University students and Teachers in Lampung region. This course is to be held during six days, three days for theory in the room and three days more for practices in Branch Camping place or Bupercab, Lampung. We will get lots of advantages here, such as
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