School Spirit Essay

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North Farmington High School Turner Lotts 12/7/11 4th The reason I love being a student at North Farmington High School is because of the people that attend school. I used to go to Farmington High School my underclassmen years, then I transferred to North for my junior and senior year. There is a huge difference between the two high schools, and it’s unimaginable. The people at North are different then anyone in the world because, their acceptance of everyone, and the happiness students and staff radiate. North was probably one of the best schools I could have ever transferred to because there acceptance of everyone is outstanding. See when you are a transfer student you have to come into the school to have a school tour. This school tour usually is scheduled at the end of an hour right before A lunch so you can see the halls during passing time, but also still get to see the students in action in their classes. So I was walking with principle at the time Rick Jones and my mother. I just remembering walking into one of the crazy connected art classes, wondering why they were set up like that, and seeing frantic students banging on metal. Mr. Jones introduced me to the teacher, and she started ranting about how North is such a good school, and I just blew her off. Mr. Jones knew a lot of kids at North Farmington; so whenever you would see him walking around the halls, or visiting classes, he would always have a student yapping his ear off. So of course when you add up the factors Mr. Jones, plus a new student, plus a class full of kids, the answer is obvious. Students swarmed Mr. Jones and me. Everyone, legitimately everyone introduced himself or herself. I felt like a raider already. Through out the rest of my high school career, with new classes, and new lunches, it’s never been hard for me to make a new raider friend, it’s
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