Scene Analysis Of Ghost World

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Scene Analysis of Ghost World: the Graphic Novel and the Film Meagan Gay English 382: Film and Literature Ghost World started out as an original comic strip that Daniel Clowes took and made into a graphic novel. Furthermore, through adaptation Terry Zwigoff then turned the novel into a movie. Both pieces of work have the same meaning in that they are portraying the ideals of friendship, sex, and societal norms in the transitional stages between childhood and being an adult. Ghost World both the movie and the novel, attempt to explain the similarities and differences between two best friends, Enid and Becky as they are trying to find themselves after graduating high school, and leaning to stand on their own, is evident in the two scenes selected throughout this paper. Within the first few pages turned, and minutes watched, we are introduced to this character, rather than Enid and Becky she is a socialistic, typical, young woman who is up to beat on fashion, gossip and what she wants to do in life (17). The movie shows us Melorra when they are at the high school dance on graduation night, and she then walks up asking about plans for the future. In the novel, Becky and Enid are sitting at their favorite diner when this peppy hand-talking girl interrupts their conversation with ideas of what she is doing over the summer. In both cases, we are privy to the fact that Melorra likes to show off and get in everyone’s business. Clowes states that Melorra is going to be do some modeling, and when she ask Enid and Becky what they are doing, which is not going to college, she has to change the subject to gossip. Then she leaves and the two girls sit and discuss the world wind that just ruined their appetite. This is because Enid has not made Becky aware of the fact that she is taking the entrance exam into college, because she is thinking about attending

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