Say No to Year Round Schooling

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Response To "Say 'No' To Year-round schooling" A top priority of school officials is how to improve primary education. Many proposals for improving primary education exist, including self- contained classrooms, a longer school day, more training for teachers, and greater use of technology. A proposed improvement is making the school year be extended, making it year round. Dyasia Stroman, author of "Say 'No' to Year-round Schooling," is opposed to the twelve-month school year. I believe that the twelve month school year should be implemented in Monmouth County because of these following reasons. The Author of Say 'No' to Year-round Schooling claims that a twelve month school year would deprive students of their "well earned" freedom, deny students who wish to work during the regular school year the chance to do so, make it impossible for families to have beneficial getaways, result in teachers working in hot classrooms, result in teachers doing even more amounts of work without getting paid more and result in teachers being unable to have vacations with their own families, and result in teachers having to hire sitters to care for their children. The author believes these things because of her assumptions that the twelve month school year will have less vacation time, the teachers will not be paid more, and that the schools air conditioners will not be are conditioned. Year-long schooling will bring a fuller education and students will be less likely to be exposed to negative influences, and be less likely to become victims of crimes. The author says that since the students will be exhausted from attending school from fall to spring, students will not be able to accomplish much over the summer. Owing to the students having spent July and August in "hot" classrooms, come the new school year students will be "utterly spent" and "unable to learn, and states that even
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