Sample Interview Transcript: Alisa Belzer

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Sample Interview Transcript Alisa Belzer-interviewer January 29. 1993 A: Okay, well let’s leave, since now you’re out of school, let’s leave school behind for now. As an adult, what are some of the ways you’ve gone about trying to become a better reader and writer? M: When I’m walking down the street. I look at things. When I’m sitting on the bus, I might look at the signs and read them. I read a little more now than I used to. I don’t always have time to go home and pick up a book and read because I have three kids. A: Right. So that’s something you think would make you a better reader, but you don’t usually have time to do it. M: Oh yeah. If you could pick up a book everyday it would make you a better reader. A: How do you…show more content…
He be coming here asking me-These words I can’t even imagine. Like one day he came in and asked me, “What’s this word here?” And it wind up being my niece name, Alexis. My niece was here it so happens, my niece was here with me that night and she said, “I know that one, that’s Alexis! That’s my name.” And I cracked up because I was like, “Darn.” A: How do you know a book is harder or easier? M: By the words. A easier book, I maybe could break down so many words in that book. A harder book, I can’t break down maybe one or two. Then I know it’s harder. A: Does anything else make a book harder of easier? M: I think it’s- like reading words where the print is not so fine. You know, like fine print, the small letters? I hate books like that. It scares me. They (inaudible) written down real small. But when they bigger, and bigger letters- I don’t mean like capitals- I mean bigger letters. You can see more easily. I can see them better. I could go through it like that and see the words that I know. When they in small print, I can’t figure out the ones. I just have to read it to find if I can read it or not. A: You have to read it to find out if you can read…show more content…
How can I read something I can’t understand what it’s saying? A: What makes something harder or easier to understand? M: Bigger words. Some bigger words I could break down. I guess if it’s based on day to day living, I could read it better. A: How come? M: Because I see it day to day. Like- if I have a book and it’s dealing with day to day living, like I got a book over there it’s called Open the Doors… Now that’s based on day to day living. It’s about a women who’s raising two daughters by herself. The grandmother’s there but she can’t be too much help. Now that’s day-to-day living! That’s something I could understand. Something I could deal with. A: So that makes it easier to read? M: I know what it’s like. It’s not much that it’s easier to read. It’s more like, you want to read it. Because you reading about someone who’s going through what you going through and it helps a lot. But if read something that I can’t get into, then I don’t read it. It’s not interesting to me. Like Mr._________ he get these books and a lot of these words, he can’t even read that. I don’t understand how he could stay in the book that long. If I found books that I can’t read, then I puts them aside and I don’t try and read
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