Last Year in English

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Nicole Vega September 8, 2010 English 10 Period 1 Last year in English My academic performance last year in English was pretty good. I was impressed that every four marking periods I had the highest grade in my class. This made me realize that I did what I had to do with the help of my teacher. If I could accomplish this last year, I can accomplish it this year, on the other hand , I would still need help on some things. One goal that I would like to accomplish this year is learning how to write better. This is one of my biggest weaknesses because since I first spoke Spanish, I believe that my writing makes sense but to others, I have a lot of mistakes. Therefore, I would like to learn a better way to write. My second goal is to use proper grammar. I talk to my friends in a different way than I should, so when I begin to write, I write what I’m use to speaking. This is another major problem I have in writing because I will never learn how to write proper English. My third goal is to focus and understand a piece of literature. In other words, if we begin to read an uninteresting book, I start to slack off and not pay any attention. I need to learn to get use to books that I never imagined me reading because I don’t have a choice but to do it. Also, I would get very lazy to even try to take a glimpse at the text because I’m not use to reading the books the teachers like to read. My last goal is too use context clues. This is not a big deal but I would like to get a little better at it. When I am answering questions about the book, I don’t pay attention to the big clues. I usually get smaller clues and sometimes clues that don’t need to be found. I think this is because I get very lazy towards reading. I believe that I need to break out of my habits in being very lazy. I honestly believe that if

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